Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
Online Course Enrollment

Welcome to the enrollment page for the Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Online Course. Good for you for giving yourself the support you need, to be the parent you want to be! As soon as you register, your Course begins -- so you can see changes by bedtime!

The usual cost of this Course is $199 USD. But we're discounting that to $167 to help more families afford this support. 

Your registration includes:

  • 11 weekly "lecture" audios.
  • 60 daily meditations designed to rewire your brain for more calm.
  • Weekly homework packets with journal prompts and exercises to do with your child.
  • One of Dr. Laura's books (or, if you live outside our delivery area, a credit to buy the book yourself).
  • A supportive & private online community forum that helps you apply what you're learning to your own family.
  • Your choice of two recordings of Dr. Laura answering the most frequent parenting questions on a range of topics from Handling Aggression and Anxiety to Siblings and Special Needs.
  • Many additional bonus audios and ebooks. 
  • Share your account with your partner if you live in the same household.
  • Lifetime access!
  • Most important? This Course works! It has worked for more than 15,000 families, and it will work for yours!

You have Dr. Laura's No-Risk Personal Guarantee: If at any point during the first two weeks, you aren't completely thrilled by what you're getting out of this Course, your payment will be cheerfully refunded. And that first two weeks can change your life!

For more information about the course, please see the information page.

Questions? Please email

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