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Pregnancy & Birth

Congratulations! You're beginning the adventure of a lifetime. Growing and giving birth to a baby is at once the most earthy and the most sacred work there is. And after that, the real fun begins.

It's dizzying, this new way of being in the world. You're already becoming a parent. Nine months seems a lifetime, but it will fly by. How do you decide what you need to think about first?

This section is here to help you organize your priorities, trimester by trimester, with everything from lists of questions for your doctor to resources for breastfeeding. You'll find links to my favorite websites, like Childbirth Connection, where you can research birth options, and, where you can ask any question you want -- in a chat or via email -- of an OB, midwife, or doula, and talk with other pregnant and nursing moms.

Q: Why does a Parenting website focused on the psychology of Parent-Child relationships have a section on Pregnancy and Birth? Isn't that a medical process?

A: Because conception is the beginning of your relationship with your baby. Your pregnancy and birth are the launching pad for your relationship. The healthier they are physically and emotionally, the better foundation you and your baby will have as you begin your life together.

May your pregnancy be blessed and the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Start Here:

First Trimester

Welcome to the first stage of parenting: Growing your baby! Nine months may seem like a long time, but it flies by -- and you have important work to do during those months. This trimester, you have five primary goals:

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Second Trimester

You're showing! You've gone public with the great news. Hopefully your body has adjusted and stopped feeling so queasy. You're no longer falling into bed each night at 7pm. You're exercising, eating right, and you've gotten used to doing without that glass of wine at parties. And, finally, you've made a decision you feel good about regarding your birth venue and caretaker. What's next? Moving and Bonding.

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Third Trimester

Congratulations, you're on the home stretch of your pregnancy! Only a few months till you hold your baby in your arms.

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Choosing Your Hospital Or Birthing Center

How should you choose a hospital or birthing center? Is home birth safe? Let's start from the premise that birth is a natural if miraculous event and women's bodies know how to do it, if we use practices that support their body's physiological processes. That said, women do need a trained caregiver during birth, and use birth caregivers in all cultures. Access to medical care during birth is one of the reasons that moms and babies almost never die in childbirth anymore.

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Choosing Your Doctor Or Midwife

What do you need to know before choosing the doctor or midwife who will deliver your baby? This is one of the most important decisions of your pregnancy. Don't choose a doctor just because someone you know used him, or because her office is on your route to work. Choose the doctor or midwife who is most likely to give your baby the best start in life.

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Childbirth: Questions to Ask Your Doctor & Midwife

Have you decided how to have your baby? The choice is yours! Here's what you need to know as you choose where to have your baby.

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How To Avoid a Caesarian or C-Section Birth

C-Sections are epidemic in the United States. 1 out of every 3 women who is pregnant right now will have one. If you need a C-Section to save the life of your baby, it's nothing short of miraculous, and worth every bit of pain and risk.

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Activate Your Hormones to Become a Better Parent -- and a Happier Person!

Would you like to be a more emotionally generous person to those you love? Support your body to make more “love” hormones!  Oxytocin is one of the key maternal hormones, but it doesn’t just make women more maternal, it makes them more loving in general. And it isn't just limited to women. Men have oxytocin too, and in almost the same amounts as women, although few studies have been conducted on men's oxytocin pathways. It's also an antidote for depression, because it helps people connect more and makes them happier.

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How to Prepare Your Child for the New Baby

Sibling rivalry is universal. After all, siblings compete for resources that can sometimes seem scarce -- the parent's time and attention. That's why the most important thing you can do to diminish sibling rivalry is to be sure that each child knows that no matter how much their sibling gets, there is always more than enough love for them.

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Preparing Your Child for the Separation While You Birth the New Baby

If you're expecting a baby, and you already have one (or more) children, then your birth plans have an extra layer of complication. Many women worry about leaving their older child while they're giving birth to their new baby. It doesn’t help that labor is unpredictable in both timing and length, making it even harder to prepare a child who is often little more than a baby himself.

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Recommended Pregnancy & Birth Books

Go ahead, put your feet up and enjoy a cup of herbal tea. The accumulated experience and wisdom of generations of women is waiting for you.

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Books about Pregnancy & Birth for Children

PLEASE NOTE: These books are Amazon links with photos of the books. If you are not seeing them on your page, it may be that your browser is not picking them up. Please try a different browser. Enjoy!

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