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Age 3-5 Years

Not a baby anymore, not even a toddler, your little one is a Preschooler -- what is often called the Wonder Years. And wondrous they are, as your little one gains the ability to manage herself and control her emotions -- most of the time!

Want cooperation? Connect with her, and make your routines fun. 

Want a preschooler who goes to bed easily and doesn't have potty accidents? Make sure you meet his needs for security. 

Want a kid who talks instead of hitting or tantrumming? Develop his emotional intelligence by empathizing and talking about feelings. 

Here's your game plan for bringing out the best in your preschooler.

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Game Plan for Peaceful Parenting Your Preschooler

Ages three to five have been called The Wonder Years, and wondrous they are, ping-ponging from exuberance to whining, from tantrums to cuddling, from belief in fairy tales to mind-boggling intellectual leaps.

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Positive Parenting Your Preschooler: Daily Life

Only three years ago she was a baby, and now look at her vocabulary! Your preschooler is growing up at an amazing rate. Brain, legs, conceptual understanding -- there's no part of him that isn't galloping forward. He's getting more able to control his tantrums, but that doesn't mean he won't whine when he's tired, hungry or cranky, and those occasional big meltdowns are still nature's way of helping him let off stress. Here's how to manage your three or four year old to maximize the joys of daily life, and minimize the struggles, from discipline to sleep to potty accidents to staying connected.

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The Cure for Whining

Should children get what they want by whining? Absolutely not. Should they learn that they can get their way by marshaling good arguments and making them in a reasonable, humorous, charming way that meets your needs as well as theirs? Absolutely, if you want them to get anywhere in life. But how can we help children make that transition?

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Getting Your Preschooler To Sleep

Wondering how to get your three, four or five year old into bed -- and how to get him to stay there all night? You're not alone! I hear from parents all the time about their preschoolers falling asleep on the couch or in front of the TV, anywhere but their own beds.

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Why Every Home Needs a Calm-Down Corner

Sometimes, despite your best efforts to express understanding, your child gets emotionally dysregulated. When you realize that your child is getting to that dangerously over-wrought place, suggest that the two of you take some “cozy time”—snuggle up and read a book. Often the connection and the shift to his “thinking brain” will help your child re-regulate.

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Managing Your Own Separation Anxiety

If your child is going to school for the first time, you’ve probably put a lot of thought and effort into helping your child adjust to school. And maybe you’ve been looking forward to your new freedom. But if you’re like most parents, you may also have found yourself wiping away a tear or two as well.

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Play, Creativity and Toys

In this season when we're spending money on toys, we'd naturally like to make sure those toys are beneficial for the child, meaning they will be good for the child's development and will sustain the child's interest over time. Of course, "developmentally appropriate" will mean something different at each age, and includes physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. But what do scientific studies say about the kinds of toys that nurture children's development in general?

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