The #1 Resolution of parents everywhere? Be more patient.
No matter what your child does, it's your response that determines the weather in your home. If you're finding yourself frequently resentful, depleted or exhausted, if your mind chatter often includes negative thoughts about your child, or if you're yelling at your child on a regular basis, you may be suffering from what I call SAP Disorder -- Sacrificing yourself on the Altar of Parenthood.
That's when we forget to give ourselves the loving attention we need. It isn't good for us to feel deprived. It kills our natural joy. And it isn't good for our kids, who end up with a resentful, negative, impatient parent. (Guess whether that helps them behave better.)
Does that mean you should tell your child she can forget about getting her needs met, that it's about time your needs came first? No, of course not. Parenting is about nurturing your child, which means noticing what they need and trying to make sure they get it.
But we can only be the parents we want to be if we also notice what we need, and try to give that to ourselves. That means that we need to learn how to parent ourselves. So monitoring our own moods, and returning ourselves to a state of feeling good -- or at least calm -- is one of the most important responsibilities of parenting.
That may seem impossible. But when your needs drop off the list, it just isn't sustainable. You are the center of the family. If you don't take care of you, you can't be the parent you want to be.
Self-care is essential not only to remain patient, but also to experience the joy and delight that is present -- and often overlooked -- in every day with our children. Yes, even the tough ones (both days and kids!)
Children love our joyful presence. They respond by becoming happier and more cooperative. By contrast, when we're stressed, children get stressed, too. They don't feel our love, so they often conclude that somehow they aren't good enough to cause us to love them. They get anxious, needy, defiant, difficult.
The solution is to put ourselves back on the list, and tend to ourselves as well as we can each moment of the day, just as we do our child. To honor both our needs and theirs. Here's how.
1. Make it a habit to tune into yourself as often as possible throughout your day.
Just take a deep breath and let it flood your body. Breathe in calm, breathe out stress. Research shows that putting your hand on your chest and imagining that you're breathing into your heart has a calming effect on the entire nervous system. Noticing your breath helps you be more present with yourself, an essential form of "attention" that we all need. Every time you tap into that conscious attention, you're disarming the subconscious patterns of anxiety and shallow breathing that autopilot most of us most of the time.
2. Every time you notice that you're getting resentful or irritable, stop.
Ask yourself "What do I need right now to stay in balance?" Then, give it to yourself -- whether your child is there or not. (Five minutes to sit on the back steps and listen to the birds? A glass of water? Five minutes of dancing?) If you can't do it right now, make a date with yourself for later. (A bath after the kids go to bed. Trading shoulder massages with your partner. More sleep tonight.)
3. Notice the challenging times of day and find ways to nurture yourself through them.
It's your life, and you're in charge, whether it feels that way or not. Letting yourself feel victimized doesn't help your kids. For example, does bedtime drive you crazy? Make a plan to make it better, whether that's sharing more responsibility with your partner, starting earlier, posting a bedtime schedule with photos (that you make with your kids), getting more sleep yourself, or enjoying a cup of tea while you read to your child.
4. Consciously parent yourself.
Did you know that it's your job to be your own parent? If you're old enough to have a child yourself, your parents are off the hook. It's your responsibility now. Talk to yourself like someone you love. Nurture yourself through the hard times. Acknowledge all your efforts in the right direction. No, you're not perfect. You don't need to be. You still deserve all the tenderness you would shower on a newborn baby. Giving that love to yourself will open your heart -- and transform your parenting. There is nothing more healing than flooding yourself with love and compassion.
5. Be more present and don't postpone joy.
Soak in the beauty and happiness of every moment you can. Stop rushing and revel in your child's laughter, the sweet smell of his hair, her joy in mastering
something new. "Smelling the roses" is what makes parenting worth all the headaches. It replenishes your spirit. It inspires your children to connect
and cooperate. And it cures SAP disorder.
This is post #3 in our series on self care: The Secret of the Full Cup.
The full series:
#1 - The Secret of the Full Cup: Self Care
#2- Ten Stress Busting Strategies for Parents
#3 - Five Ways To Nurture Yourself while Nurturing Your Child
#4 - Let's Get Physical: 20 Exercise Ideas for Parents and Kids
#6 - If You Don't Feed Your Hungry Heart, How Can You Feed Your Kids?
#7 - Five Steps to Get Re-Energized
#8 - Want to Feel More Alive? Take the Stone Out of Your Shoe