This mom nails it:
"My memories of Christmas as a child
are of stress. My mother wanted everything to be perfect and got
so worked up trying to do it all that it made the rest of the
family crazy. I remember my dad comforting me when I was about
8 years old, I was crying and said 'I hate Christmas' and he
said 'I do, too, honey. We just have to get through it...
So for my kids I try to be relaxed and fun.
We make ornaments for friends and family in
December and give them out as we see people —
gets us into the giving without thought
of receiving. We take time to see the lights around town,
to decorate and appreciate our tree. We
talk about the other festivals of lights and remember that
feasting and gifts are to make the darkest, coldest
time of year merry. We celebrate
the return of the sun. We relax and play and laugh
and appreciate each other.” - Amy
Remember that the holidays aren't just stressful for you, they're actually stressful for children. So much desperate longing gets stimulated for kids (just like for us.) So much excitement gets triggered, which needs an outlet somewhere.
Families are busier than ever in December with school and community events. Parents get more stressed, more snappish, which makes children act out. Schedules and sleep are disrupted. Children get anxious about whether they're good enough, given all their "naughty" impulses (and that Elf watching their every move!)
Children depend on us, both to regulate their environment, and to help them regulate their moods. If you’re out of balance, you won’t be able to help your kids stay on an even keel. It you're in overwhelm trying to create "magic" for your family, it will backfire. In fact, if you’re anxious about everything you have to get done, I guarantee that your child will begin to act out.
Your kids don’t need a "magic" magazine-spread holiday. They need you, in a good mood, living the spirit of the season and spreading love and good cheer. Here's how.
- Give up on perfection and accept that real parents get reality holidays, complete with messy kitchens, cranky kids and events that you can't get to because somebody needs a nap.
- Pare back your schedule to do only the essentials. Just say no to whatever doesn’t bring you joy.
- Make sure you nurture yourself and stay in balance. Start by getting enough sleep.
- Focus on family connection above all else.
- Just say No to comparing yourself to anyone else. You can't see inside their family; you can only do what seems right for your family in this moment, and that is more than enough.
- Be sure your own expectations of the season are reasonable.
- The minute your mood veers from loving to frenzied, stop. Hug your children and regroup.
- Count your blessings and say thank you for everything good in your life, every day. (This makes you measurably happier!)
- Find ways to laugh at what will inevitably go wrong.
- Pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on a job well done, not just in December, but all year long.
No matter what December holiday you celebrate, it isn't about making "magic" appearances to post on Instagram. It's about the transformative power of faith, love, and light. So fill your home with the real meaning of your holiday by focusing on presence, instead of presents. Which means keeping your own cup full, so you can be emotionally generous in filling everyone else's.
What's the best present you can give your child? Peaceful Parenting!