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Traditions That Bring Families Closer

Extraordinary moments often masquerade as ordinary life. So look around the pandemonium and remind yourself to be grateful for every minute you get to spend with your children as they grow. These years pass more quickly than we can imagine, and when kids look back, these are the memories that will define family for them.

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Why Do Families Need Rituals?

Rituals help us move emotionally from one place to another; they ease pain, acknowledge growth, and create connection.

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Autumn Holiday Rituals that Nurture Family Connection

Extraordinary moments often masquerade as ordinary life. Cozy Autumn rituals can be a meaningful way to help your family connect, even in the rush of daily life.

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Thanksgiving Rituals To Teach Gratitude

Here are 13 proven gratitude practices that will help you invent your own meaningful family gratitude traditions, for Thanksgiving and beyond.

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21 Questions To Ask Your Family for a More Meaningful Thanksgiving

Why not gift everyone at your table with the chance to know each other at a deeper level? Here's how to sweeten and deepen the Thanksgiving conversation.

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Parents' Holiday Survival Skill #1: Manage Yourself

Your #1 Responsibility in December? Manage your own well-being so you can keep the holiday peaceful for your whole family. Here's how.

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8 Tips To De-Stress Your December

More and more families are saying no to the Holiday Frenzy and inviting connection, joy and reflection into their homes in December. Here's how.

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Easy Homemade Presents to Make With Kids

No need to spend a fortune on gifts, your kids will love making them for grandparents, cousins and teachers -- and the recipients will treasure them.

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Help Your Child Discover Her Inner Angel

The holiday season is the perfect time to create opportunities to give that will be pleasurable for your child.

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Holiday Survival Guide

How can parents manage life during the holidays to maximize the joy and minimize the tears? Here are my top tips to help you manage life during the holidays!

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50 Meaningful December Traditions for Families

Here are some ideas for family traditions to get your creativity flowing as you think about what would most nurture your family this winter.

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5 Easy Ways to Find the Spirit of the Season with Children

For families who aren't exactly religious but want more spiritual meaning in their holidays.

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You Don't Have To Make Up for Not Being a Perfect Parent

On some level, we hope that a picture-perfect holiday will help make up for those times when we haven't been ideal parents. But there's a better way.

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Guaranteed Favorite Toy

Material presents can be a bit like drugs: The dopamine lift is temporary, followed by a deeper craving. But YOU will always be your child's favorite toy.

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Looking for Love at the Toy Store

Worried that your child seems to get a bit greedy at the holidays? Fill your child's longings with the deeper meaning of the holidays and the magic of love.

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Looking for the perfect present?

Let Dr. Laura's Gift Guide make your holiday shopping simple and easy.

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The Best Gift You Can Give Your Child

The greatest gift you can give your child is your own healing and well-being. Whenever we get "triggered" we've stumbled on something that needs healing.

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The Kindness Elf- A Holiday Tradition

Instead of the Elf being on a mission to report the child’s misdeeds to Santa, this Elf has the mission of finding acts of kindness that inspire your child!

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The Gift of a Screen-Free December

Some families agree to drastically reduce screen time during the holidays, simply to reduce the pressure to be perfect – and perfectly consuming! – families. 

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Make Merry & Make Meaning: Manage Your Own Mood

What your child wants this holiday season is meaning and connection, not perfect decorations, or lots of events, or even, ultimately, presents.

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New Year's Rituals for Families

Children are fascinated by the passage of time, which seems magical to them. Some ideas to give your kids both roots and wings as they head into the new year.

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The Secret of Making a New Year's Resolution You Can Keep

Did you make a New Years Resolution to be more patient, or to stop yelling? You're not alone in this. Surveys show those are the #1 resolutions for parents.

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Do you have a New Year's resolution about parenting? Let's do this!

If it were easy, it wouldn't take a New Years Resolution. So naturally you'll have days when you fall short. Here's what to do instead of beating yourself up.

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10 Simple Ways To Improve Your Parenting, No Resolutions Necessary

Tired of resolutions? Here are 10 Simple Ways To Improve Your Parenting, No Resolutions Necessary. Put these on your fridge and read them daily.

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5 Resolutions That Will Make You a Better Parent This Year

Practicing these is the work of a lifetime, so you still won't be perfect in a year. But you'll be a more peaceful parent, with a happier child.

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100 Ideas for Creating a More Peaceful World

Lots of great ideas to talk about with children. Here's to a more peaceful year throughout the world!

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